Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Forgot

Career changes are underway. I have been in turmoil about it all but now after several weeks I have remembered the following very important things. Things I've always known but forgotten.
1) Don't spend time and energy on things that are not important to you. Understand what is of value to you in your pursuit of human maturity; do not react and make choices based on ego. Use your that energy and time to find new paths. I know my new path. Don't be afraid. It's that moment on the high dive, walking out on the board, peering over the edge.
2) Don't let others control you. Don't let their need to control extend to you. Move beyond it, over it, around it, ignore it, but don't incorporate it into yourself. If you do, they have indeed taken control.
3) Live backwards...think about the choice available at this moment and what you will feel like if you don't choose it; will you regret not doing it ? If yes, take that road less traveled and begin the journey.
4) I knew at 45 that if I did not take my leave to go sailing with my partner I would never do it. I did it and so happy I did. Now I am 55, I know if I don't make a new life, contributing my best self to a new life career, I won't and I will regret it.
I affirm all these things to be true.

Friday, August 13, 2010

August is August

I spent a few days in Maine last week where August is large and lush this year. This morning, back in Florida, I was doing my trimming of roses, trees, bushes, vines and it struck me that August is August, at least, in Maine and Florida and I suspect all along the east coast. Growth has reached its height and even now plants and insects are carefully planning for the winter, production of seeds and pods that will lay dormant all winter waiting for a new season.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Nights

It was a silver shimmer of a summer night
the east wind scattered clouds from the sea
you brought me the world
I brought you all time
my age ages
my love stays young
who I am to judge
the passing of the years.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Stopping by Woods....

This morning the woods around my house are "lovely, dark and deep" but not because of snow; so much rain and heat, it's a tropical tangle of vines, new trees, shoots, mushrooms, wild flowers and grasses all home to bunnies, toads, lizards, a mama boar and I think a couple of little ones from the snorts about. Bobby and I tread carefully, coming out wet from the morning rain. He gives a good shake as we reach the porch, smiling but still doggy wet. I go back to my coffee and book. Nice day.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

No More Answers

I've grown tired of answers
Give me only questions
Questions that awake me
Questions asked without opinion
Questions voiced for no other reason than to ask
Pre-supposing no answers.
Let's just keep asking questions
Without making up our own answers
Do you have faith to do that ?
Can you learn to live without answers?
And still know the joy of life ?
I submit the joy of life lies only in our questions
Answers are nothing but distractions from the Truth.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Soul Mates

Today, the first day of Spring, is for the soul.
Winter is blown away by a southern breeze.
Small buds take a chance once again, for about the 5th time this season.
You are in your shop curving maple and cedar into fluid shapes.
I am in the garden smiling at the young shoots;
My life's resiliency again.
I will soon switch to the kitchen where wine is opened,
Steaks marinated, mushrooms lightly brushed,
Collard greens turned into the oil and garlic,
Friends will arrive, the music queued....
And the rhythm of New Life takes root !

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shadow Lives

What would it be like to live with totally new constructs,
To hold a bird's eye view of life for perspective
To unwrap our opinions and habits and see them for what they are
To shed our winter skins and assume a new home
With a new system of perception and analytics
That frees us to ask a new set of questions
A new set of questions that will provide different answers

I'll start pondering one of these...Einstein's construct of space & time - that it is curved, not straight as in past present and future...most of us experience time as single threaded but how cool to live life in a curved dimension. I am intrigued by this because more and more I have a sense of shadow life, me still doing something somewhere, me doing something in the "future"; it's already occuring.

Free will does not seem so free when we are stuck in our old skins.